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Home page > Talks & Workshops > Talks


Dupré presents talks on architecture, art and religion at colleges, donor events, design conferences, at the top of the Burj Khalifa, and on the Suez Canal aboard the Queen Mary 2.  Presentations are generally an hour in length and can include Q+A and/or small group discussion.

To book a talk:

Carol Bruckner / Hachette Speakers Bureau 




Judith on the World Trade Center

Judith on American monuments, Part I and Part 2

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Judith Dupre National Building Museum
One World Trade Center book signing
Mary Movies Bulletin image
Mary Magnified
Judith IdeaCity with Judy Collins Gene Driskell
Radio and TV

Featured on ABC, BBC, Bloomberg Radio and Television, CBS, CNN, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Learning Channel, NPR, WNYC, PBS, Studio 360, Bloomberg Radio, Sirius XM, Today Show, Voice of America.



Talks given at the American Academy of Religion; American Institute of Architects; American Museum of Natural History; Australia National University; Brooklyn Museum; Brown University; Cunard; Fairfield University; Flagler Museum; ideaCity; Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota; Museum of the City of New York; Museum of Western Art, Denver, CO; National Building Museum, D.C.; New York Public Library; Newman College, University of Melbourne; Old Saint Joseph’s Church, Philadelphia; Redwood Library; Salve Regina University; The Skyscraper Museum; Trinity Church, Boston; USC, Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies; Wellesley College; and Yale University. 

Suggested Talks

The New World Trade Center 

An overview of the new WTC, with particular emphasis on its skyscrapers and how September 11 shaped their designs. Why these skyscrapers are unlike any others, in terms of public debate, media scrutiny, and structural and security parameters. Dupré is the official biographer of One WTC. Prepare to be surprised and inspired!


Supertall, Supergreen

Cities are changing as designers and builders realize that the best tall buildings arise from working, as the ancients did, hand in hand with nature. Tapping into the elemental forces of the sun, wind, and water, today’s green skyscrapers are pushing the extreme frontiers of environmental, structural, and creative possibility.  


The Evolving American Monument

As consensus about history, values, and visual vocabularies becomes increasingly rare, monuments must find new ways to inspire and console. This illustrated lecture explores the evolution of the American monument from traditional, neo-classical sculptures to contemporary memorials that are temporary, spontaneous, and mobile.


Mary in the Movies

A program of film clips and commentary on the Virgin of the silver screen and her enduring hold on the creative and spiritual imagination.  Milestone events in the Virgin Mary’s faith journey are told through the powerful medium of film.  Theologically sound, visually captivating!

"You were splendid. Imagination and intellect coming together with compassion." 


Sean Burke, Provost, Newman College, University of Melbourne

"I hope, by the time you left, you realized how fabulous the evening was in our eyes. We simply have not had a room packed like that before. The diverse range of audience—students, religious, community folks, donors—was also something we hadn’t achieved before. I can’t thank you enough." 


Gary Adler, Director of Research, Institute For Advanced Catholic Studies at USC

"Judith’s breadth of knowledge about architecture, art and public art is expansive. But her wisdom extends beyond these fields, making connections within multiple disciplines, whether for a book, a lecture, or a class. She is an articulate, personable, and very generous teacher. " 


Dara Meyers-Kingsley, Director, Muse Scholars, Hunter College 

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